Welcome toDynamic Descaler®

Dynamic Descaler, Biodegradable Descaler, water scale remover, lime scale remover, dirt remover 

Dynamic Descaler® is the trade name for a revolutionary liquid descaler that rapidly dissolves all water scale and lime plus it removes mud, rust, and other non-soluble sedimenation deposits safely and effectively.

Dynamic Descaler® The World's Fastest And Safest Biodegradable Descaler
As a Plant Manager or Maintenance Engineer you already know that water scale on any heat transfer surface reduces the effectiveness of that heat transfer. 

This results in reduced equipment efficiency while increasing energy consumption, increasing costs and even increasing plant downtime.

In the past removing scale has been a major problem. Mechanical removal requires extensive downtime while the item of equipment is disassembled, then reassembled. And corrosive acid cleaners, such as concentrated hydrochloric acid, raise occupational health and safety concerns and disposal problems. 

Not to mention the significant risk of long-term detrimental impact on plant life from metal loss Now there is a safe and effective way to remove scale deposits from all types of water-cooled and water-heated equipment. 

From industrial plants to land mark buildings to marine. Dynamic Descaler® is a new technology descaler specifically formulated to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment.

It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy, Decreases Downtime, and Extends the Usable Life of Cleaned Equipment.

Dynamic Descaler® is the trade name for a revolutionary Biodegradable Descaler that is designed to dissolve the toughest water scale, mud and rust deposits from any water-based equipment and piping.Click here for Sample Before to After 

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