Material Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS )

Material Safety Data Sheet-Dynamic Descaler

Revision Date: 19 June 2010
Name: Dynamic Descaler:
Manufactured by:
Precision Dynamics, Inc. P.O. Box 1595 Burleson, TX 76097 Phone Number
for Information: IDD 1-817-447-9898 Emergency Phone Number: IDD
Beralon PTY Ltd (CAN: 002-160-796) Unit 1, 4 Bearing Road Seven Hills NSW 2147
Phone Number Information: 02 9624 8011 Emergency Phone Number 0419 613 028
2-COMPOSITION Ingredient Percent Range UN Number
Aqueous Hydrochloric acid % Less than 10% w/w 1789
Other Ingredients not consider hazardous
All chemicals in Dynamic Descaler are listed in the Australian Inventory of chemical
Substances, and therefore there is no requirement for notification as a new
chemical to NICNAS.
According to NOHSC’s Approval Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:
1008 (1999)
Ingredients: Dynamic Descaler contains over 2.9% aqueous hydrochloric acid on a
weight for weight basis so therefore is classified as a hazardous substance. When
the Dynamic is used with water it’s 9.4% of HCL is divided by a multiple of 4
which comes to 2.35% less than 2.9% with water as stated as a hazardous
product. Note: Aqueous Hydrochloric Acid at concentrations over 2.9% is classified as
an Irritant (XI) R36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
All other components of Dynamic Descaler are non-hazardous according to Approved
Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances NOSHC 1008 (1999). Carcinogenicity:
Not a carcinogen Primary Routes of Entry: Skin and eye contact are the primary
routes of exposure to this product. HMIS: 1 Health O Flammability 1 Reactivity
Material Safety Data Sheet-Dynamic Descaler
Hazardous And Other Disclosed Ingredients
Percent Exposure Limits-TWA
Range ACGIH/OSHA(where est.) UN Number Chemical Name >5-10 C 5/C
5ppm 1789 Hydrochloric Acid %
Exposure Limit Abbreviations
TWA=Time Weighted Average C=Ceiing
S=Short Term Expose Sk=Skin
S=Soluble Compound Fu=Fumes
Insol=Insoluble Compounds Du=Dust I=IARC Resp=Respirable
Acute Effects
Eye contact: This Product is irritating to eyes and may cause damage if not rinse with
water. Any time the eyes are exposed to cleaning solutions they should immediately
be rinse with water for 15 minutes. Skin exposure: This product may cause tingling or
a slight burning sensation of the skin with prolonged
exposure or to pre-existing cuts and abrasions. Product should be rinsed from skin
immediately to avoid
irritation. Ingestion: May cause damage to the mouth esophagus and stomach,
vomiting, headache, and other medical problems.
Inhalation: May cause coughing, sneezing, and minor upper
respiratory irritation. Target Organs And Medical Conditions
Overexposure to some hazardous ingredients in this product has been found to affect
certain body organs and systems in experimental animals and/or humans. These
include: Gastrointestinal Tract, Mucous Membrane, Skin, Eyes, and, Respiratory
Chronic Effects - None known
Emergency and First Aid Procedures: Eyes & Skin: Flush with water for 15 minutes, if
irritation persists get medical attention. Ingestion: Do Not induce vomiting. Drink
water, milk magnesia. Get medical attention. Inhalation: move to fresh air.
Material Safety Data Sheet-Dynamic Descaler
Flash Point: None to B.P. F (CC) Flammable Limits: N/A LEL: N/A
UEL: N/A Extinguishing Media: Use water fog, foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Special Fire Fighting Procedures:
Wear an approved self-contain breathing apparatus and protective clothing with full
face piece operated in the positive pressure demands mode and full body protection.
Use water to cool fire-exposed containers, structures, and to protect personnel.
Irritating and/or toxic gages may be emitted upon the product’s decomposition.
Unusual Fire and Explosive Hazards: Can react with chemically reactive metals such
as aluminum, zinc, magnesium,etc., to release hydrogen gas, which is combustible..
Steps to be taken in Case Material is Released or Spilled: Where suitable protective
clothing including goggles and overalls.
Small Spill: cover contaminated area with sodium bicarbonate or soda ash and add
water if necessary to form a slurry.
Large Spill: dike to prevent spreading and neutralize as above. Dispose of the water
produce as solid waste in accord with local regulations.
Handling: As with any industrial cleaning compound proper eye protection is
recommended when handling.
Storage: Store in a cool, dry location away from direct sunlight, sources of intense
heat, or where freezing may occur. Store material in an acid proof container. Keep
container away from incompatible material.
Work/Hygienic Practices: Wash hands before eating. Launder contaminated clothing
before re-use.
Respiratory Protection: None required, if used as directed in a ventilated are.
Protective Gloves: Rubber Gloves recommended if any pre-existing skin conditions
such as cuts and abrasions.
Ventilation: Normal ventilation is adequate. No extra ventilation is required unless
used in confined space with no ventilation. Revision Date: 19 June 2010
Material Safety Sheet-Dynamic Descaler
Eye Protection: Proper eye protection is recommended-goggles or a face shield.
Other Protective Clothing or EQUIPMENT: Impervious clothing and boots.
Appearance: Brown Liquid Specific Gravity: 1.09 Water= 1 Solubility in Water: 100%
complete Vapor Pressure: 20mm Hg Vapor Density: 1.27 Air: 1 Evaporation Rate:
2.0 Butyl Acetate= 1VOC CONTENT: N/D Boiling Point: >212 (>100) F (C) Ph: <2
Melting Point: N/D F (C) Odour: Fruity
N/A= Not Applicable N/D= Not Determined
Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur Incompatibility: Alkali
(caustic) materials and aluminum. Do not use this product on aluminum surfaces.
Conditions to Avoid: Will react with strong oxidizing agents e.g. bleach. Hazardous
Decomposition Product: Flammable Hydrogen gas when reacted with certain metals.
While no data is currently available on the toxicology of this formulation as a whole
empirically we know that the components of DYNAMIC DESCALER ARE NOT
mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic, or genotoxic.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Pre-Existing eye, skin, &
respiratory disorders may be aggravated with contact.
Biodegradability: Biodegradable.
While no data is currently available on the ecology of this product, it is known that
these chemical compounds do not bio-accumulate in animal or plant tissues. It is also
known that these compounds are quickly broken down or biodegraded into
compounds such as carbon dioxide (Co2) and water (H2O). Studies are currently under
way to support these findings in Dynamic Descler.
Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of in accordance with federal, state, and, local
regulations. Revision Date: 19 June 2010
Material Safety Data Sheet-Dynamic Descaler
As Dynamic Descaler can react with aluminum this product is considered corrosive for
shipping purpose according to the Australian Dangerous Goods Code. Proper
Shipping Name: Corrosive, acidic, inorganic, N.O.S. Hazard Classification: Corrosive
Hazard Class: 8 UN Identification: UN 1789 Packaging: Group 3
National Occupational Health & Safety Commission: This MSDS has been
compiled according to NOHSC’s Approved Criteria for classifying Hazardous
Substances [NOHSC: 1008 (1999)], Commonwealth of Australia.
TSCA Inventory: The components of this product, are listed on, or are exempt from
the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Inventory.
Disclaimer: The information and recommendations contained in this Material Safety
Data Sheet have been compile from sources believed to be reliable and to represent
the most reasonable current opinion on the subject when the MSDS was prepared. No
warranty, guarantee, or representation is made as to the correctness or sufficiency of
the information. The user of this product must decide what safety measures are
necessary to safely use this product according to all federal, state, and local regulations.
Revision Date: 19 June 2010

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