Dynamic Descaler® Product Use  !

Below are general guidelines for how to use Dynamic Descaler® on the following types of equipment  :

- Air compressors
- Cooling towers and closed circuit cooling
- Heat exchangers
- Vacuum pumps
- Specific application may differ depending on the specific equipment, layout, and other factors. 

Call us if you have any questions on how to most effectively use Dynamic - Descaler® on your equipment.

Air Compressors
A reciprocating air compressor is normally a heavy-duty, continuous service compressor. Cylinder construction usually incorporates a water jacketed cylinder and water jacketed heads to remove some of the heat of compression and also to improve the lubrication and reduce carbonization of valve parts. 

Water jacketing around valve and packing is essential, since these are points of localized heating.

As time goes on, you will have lime, water scale and rust accumulation inside the water jackets, which in time, will overheat the air compressor. This will also occur in the intercooler and aftercooler. 

With Dynamic Descaler® lime, water scale, rust remover you can clean these vital parts, without disassembling the cylinders, aftercooler, and the intercooler. 

Just simply remove the water in/out connection from each part and circulate Dynamic Descaler® for the recommended amount of time. 

After the circulation, flush with water and connect the water in/out connections back to the proper location.

If your compressor is running off a closed loop water system or a cooling tower, you may want to pour the Dynamic Descaler® into one of these systems. 

This will eliminate the downtime in your plant operation versus disconnecting your in/out connections from each vital part.
For the proper amount of Dynamic Descaler® and circulation times, 

Click Here  for instructions, including a quantities reference chart.

For proper quantity and circulating times to run Dynamic Descaler® through the cooling tower or closed loop water system to clean the compressor, (without shutting down plant operations), please contact us.

Cooling Towers & Closed Circuit Cooling
Dynamic Descaler® Water Scale, Lime, Rust, Dirt Remover used in the cleaning of cooling towers and closed circuit water cooling systems is most usually accomplished while the water cooled equipment is online and without the necessity of shut-down. In order to dissolve all water scale, lime, rust and dirt from the waterside of your equipment, it is imperative that these instructions are followed.

Click here for instructions on cleaning cooling towers and closed circuit cooling with Dynamic Descaler®. 


Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers in many manufacturing facilities are very crucial in everyday operations. 

Heat exchangers are designed to transfer heat in the form of kinetic energy from one liquid to another. 

And while transferring heat, the heat exchanger, over a period of time will collect lime, scale and rust on the waterside of the exchanger.

With Dynamic Descaler, you do not have to dismantle or remove the unit from your operations. You may want to install a system, which will inject Dynamic Descaler® into your water supply on a regular basis for your cooling tower, chiller, or your closed loop water system. 
This procedure will eliminate downtime in your everyday operations while cleaning out your exchanger.

Click here  for instructions, including a quantities reference chart.

Vacuum Pumps
For instructions on how to remove water scale, lime, mud and rust from the casting, rotor, hub, cones and associated piping of your vacuum pumps,

There are several formulations for chemical descaling in addition to Dynamic Descaler®. 

We take pride in the fact that we believe to have one of the lowest rates of corrosion, highest standard of product safety to personnel and equipment, as well as fastest rates of scale removal and greatest longevity of product at the lowest price than any competitor world-wide.

Some competitors claim that their product, while containing HCl, is safe to use on stainless steel. 
Nothing could be further from the truth. Any HCl based product will create on stainless steel corrosion stress cracking over time, also known as hydrogen embrittlement. 
We have on record many customers who have used some competitive products who have found this out the difficult way with damaged equipment.

For stainless steel descaling, we have developed a product called DESCALE 518 which is as effective as the standard Dynamic Descaler® but a a slightly higher cost. 
Notably, some competitors are still more costly with their HCl based product. DESCALE 518 contains NO HCl and is specifically designed for use on stainless steel.

If there are any questions in your particular application as to whether you should use the standard Dynamic Descaler® 
please contact the manufacturing location at:

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