Minggu, 30 September 2012

Water Scale

Water Scale And Sedimentation Removal System   !

What is Water Scale?
Water Scale, Sedimentation, Removal, System 
Water Scale is a coating or precipitate deposited on surfaces that are in contact with hard water. 

Water that contains carbonates or bicarbonates of calcium or magnesium is especially likely to cause scale. 

When water is heated or evaporation takes place, scale minerals precipitate layers of rocklike deposits inside pipes, water heaters, equipment, and on fixtures and glassware. 

While most common scale is a result of calcium carbonate, other combinations of ions commonly found in water offer a variety of scale.

Water Scale deposits interfere with heat exchangers and reduce their efficiency by insulating the heat transfer surfaces. 

The most common form of scale in cooling water systems is calcium carbonate (CaC03). In the water, calcium ions combine with bicarbonate to form calcium bicarbonate: (Ca++)+(2HCO) Ca(HCO3)2. 

If Water Scale deposits are left to accumulate, water flow is restricted and piping and heat 
exchanger tubes become plugged. 
Water Scale, Sedimentation, Removal, System 

Ultimately, ignoring scale depositions can lead to the destruction and possible failure of heat exchanger tubes. In addition to loss of efficiency, process contamination can occur.

Common Evidence of Water Scale

Water Scale is most visually evident as hard white to off white deposits which buildup in faucets, showerheads and drains. 

Water Scale leaves deposits on dishes, glassware, sinks, countertops and on vehicles that were just washed. 

Most Water Scale formations are hard and very difficult to clean. Visual references also include fixtures such as toilets, bathtubs, showers and appliances like coffee and icemakers. 

Swimming pools and spas can experience scale build up on tile and pump equipment. 

Cooling towers have tremendous scale problems that causes industries alone a billion dollars a year to remove. 

Evaporative coolers, boilers, car washes, irrigation systems, processing equipment, paper pulp mills all experience Water Scale problems. 

Because Water Scale forms a "coating" it can significantly effect thermo-transfer and reduce the flow of fluids. The increase of fuel cost due to scale build-up is astronomical.

A Billion Dollar Problem!!!

Water borne sedimentation i.e. Scale, rust, lime, mud and silica that builds up in 

the waterside of your equipment causes Billions of dollars in losses to industries 
in breakdowns, unplanned shutdowns, process contamination, high product reject rate, expensive parts replacements etc..

Water Scale, Sedimentation, Removal, System
Water Scale, Sedimentation, Removal, System

Present/Conventional Methods Used to Remove Water Borne Sedimentation.
  • Industrial Acids e.g. Phosphoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Barium Nitrate, Glycine Acid etc..
  • Rodding
  • High Pressure Steam
  • Scrapping
  • High Pressure Water Jet
  • Last but not least - replacement of the equipment!
None of the above are effective, some are even damaging to the equipment, in that some of these methods can only bring the equipment back to optimum operating efficiencies by compromising downtime, and the integrity of the equipment.
Present Methods of Preventing Sedimentation or better known as Fouling.
  • Ion-Exchange
  • Phosphates
  • Permanent Magnets
  • Electronic Conditioning
  • Inhibitors - scale, rust, algae, bacteria
Some of the above methods are effective in SLOWING DOWN the process of scaling and should be used, BUT it does not remove or totally prevent sedimentation build up.

Vacum Pumps

Rust Removal From Vacum Pumps Water Scale Removal, Lime Removal !

Rust Removal, Water Scale Removal, Lime Removal, Vacuum Pumps
Vacum Pumps - Rust Removal, Water Scale Removal, Lime Removal

In order to remove water scale, lime, mud and rust from the casting, rotor, hub, cones and associated piping of your equipment, the following steps should be used.

Instructions for Dynamic Descaler® Cleaning

Write down the “before” amperage readings, CFM at vacuum capacity and the vacuum in inches of mercury.

Take the unit out of service.

Remove the bottom drain plug and allow all water to drain from the pump casing. Replace bottom plug after the unit is drained.

Break seal on water piping and attach a pumping discharge hose.

Remove top plug and attach return hose between there and the recirculating bucket.

Insert “blanks” in flanges of discharge and suction piping.

Add prescribed quantity of Dynamic Descaler® into the circulation loop.

In some instances, additional water may be required to maintain circulation.

Tighten vacuum pump and seal packing to minimize leakage.

After 15 minutes of Dynamic Descaler® circulation, turn pump rotor 90 degrees by pulling on the drive belts or jacketing the starter switch.

Every 15 minutes thereafter, turn rotor 90 degrees to assure a thorough cleaning of interior part of you pump, including hub and rotor.

Continue the circulation of Dynamic Descaler® for at least two hours or until the foaming stops. Lack of foam indicated depleted or clean equipment.

After several hours of circulation time, with intermittent turning of the rotor, the pump should be clean and rotor should turn freely.

Shut off the circulating pump and add flush water to the recirculation bucket.

Heat Exchangers

Lime Scale Removal From Heat Exchangers  !

lime scale removal, water scale removal, rust removal, Heat Exchangers
Heat Exchangers - Lime Scale Removal

Heat exchangers in many manufacturing facilities are very crucial in everyday operations. Heat exchangers are designed to transfer heat in the form of kinetic energy from one liquid to another. 

And while transferring heat, the heat exchanger, over a period of time will collect lime, scale and rust on the waterside of the exchanger. 

With Dynamic Descaler® lime scale removal, water scale removal, rust removal, you do not have to dismantle or remove the unit from your operations. 

You may want to install a system, which will inject Dynamic Descaler® into your water supply on a regular basis for your cooling tower, chiller, or your closed loop water system. 

This procedure will eliminate downtime in your everyday operations while cleaning out your exchanger.

Instructions for Dynamic Descaler® Cleaning 

If you just intend to clean out the heat exchanger, you still do not have to dismantle or remove the exchanger from your operations.

1. By-pass heat exchanger from operation.

2. Remove the existing water in the exchanger. 
    This MUST be done, to insure proper results.

3. Disconnect the water in/out connections from the exchanger.

4. Attach the necessary hoses to in/out connections on the exchanger to a 
    circulating pump. Refer to chart (see download) for necessary circulation of 
    time and the amount of Dynamic Descaler® to be used.

5. Once the circulation has been completed, flush the exchanger with water to 
    remove any insoluble material.

Cooling Towers

Cooling Towers - Dirt Remover  !


Cooling Towers, dirt remover, water scale remover, lime scale remover, rust remover
Cooling Towers & Closed Circuit Cooling

Dynamic Descaler® dirt remover, water scale remover, lime scale remover, rust remover, used in the cleaning of cooling towers and closed circuit water cooling systems is most usually accomplished while the water cooled equipment is online and without the necessity of shut-down. 

In order to dissolve all water scale, lime, rust and dirt from the waterside of your equipment, it is imperative that these instructions are followed.

Instructions for Dynamic Descaler® Cleaning 

When units to be cleaned are in operation or merely connected with water flowing to them, shut off make-up water and bleed-off to tower and/or sump tank
Open drain valve in bottom of sump tank and lower the water level to a point where pump still circulates without cavitating. If pump sucks air, add minimum amount of make-up water to maintain  circulation.
In order to clean the entire system, including cooling tower, sump tank, pump piping, and all associated equipment on the tower while system is in  operation, you must first determine the tonnage of your cooling tower. 
Documentation supplied with your tower or nameplate on the tower should indicate the cooling capacity, in tonnage.
Please refer to the Sizing Chart (see download) to compute the proper amount needed.
Slowly add this quantity of Dynamic Descaler® to the sump pump over at  least a two hour period.
Circulation time should be at least five hours during which all equipment should be online. However, anytime thereafter the make-up water can be turned on and the  bleed-off opened and set to remove all of the dissolved solids from the system.

In order to purge all insoluble from closed circuit systems, it is suggested that after circulation, the drain valve should be opened and make-up water added until all water in system is clear. 
Close drain and establish proper bleed-off and make-up.
When convenient, it is recommended that the sump tank be drained and flushed and that the strainer screen be removed and inspected for any insoluble material.
When cleaning cooling towers and closed circuit coolers it is sometimes hard to determine the amount of scale build-up that has been accumulated over a period of time. 

It might be a case where you have a 500-ton cooling tower and you will need more than the recommended amount, which is 150 gallons of Dynamic Descaler®. 

The amounts on the Sizing Chart (see download) are just for the cooling tower and the closed circuit cooling only, not for the entire system, (pump piping and all the associated equipment that is using the cooling water). 

For the entrie system, take the tonnage and multiply by 0.7, which equals the amount of Dynamic Descaler® to be used. 

If you need technical assistance or have any questions, please contact us.

Air Compressors

Air Compressors - Water Scale Removal   !

water scale remover, water scale removal, rust remover, lime scale remover, Air Compressors

A reciprocating air compressor is normally a heavy-duty, continuous service compressor. Cylinder construction usually incorporates a water jacketed cylinder and water jacketed heads to remove some of the heat of compression and also to improve the lubrication and reduce carbonization of valve parts. 

Water jacketing around valve and packing is essential, since these are points of localized heating.
As time goes on, you will have lime, water scale and rust accumulation inside the water jackets, which in time, will overheat the air compressor. 

This will also occur in the intercooler and aftercooler. With Dynamic Descaler® water scale remover, rust remover, lime scale remover you can clean these vital parts, without disassembling the cylinders, aftercooler, and the intercooler. 

Just simply remove the water in/out connection from each part and circulate Dynamic Descaler® for the recommended amount of time. 

After the circulation, flush with water and connect the water in/out connections back to the proper location.

If your compressor is running off a closed loop water system or a cooling tower, you may want to pour the Dynamic Descaler® into one of these systems. 

This will eliminate the downtime in your plant operation versus disconnecting your in/out connections from each vital part. 

Before you proceed with these operations contact the nearest distributor in your area, so they may be of assistance to you.

For the proper amount of Dynamic Descaler® and circulation times, lease refer to the following chart.
Horse Power
Low Pressure Cylinder
High Pressure Cylinder
* Gallons-Hours of circulation.


If a compressor is 50 H.P. and the low pressure cylinder is to be cleaned. It would take ten (10) gallons of Dynamic Descaler® and approximately two (2) hours to clean it. 

To clean the high pressure cylinder you would need an additional eight (8) gallons of Dynamic Descaler®. 

It would then take eighteen gallons of Dynamic Descaler® and approximately two (2) hours to clean the high pressure and low pressure cylinders.

For proper quantity and circulating times to run Dynamic Descaler® through the cooling tower or closed loop water system to clean the compressor, (without shutting down plant operations), please contact the nearest Dynamic Descaler® distributor in your area.